
Rev Up Your Digital Advertising with Dynamic Ads for Auto Dealers

According to eMarketer, 12.9 percent of auto industry ad budgets in 2017 went to digital. Spending is expected to increase by 17.6 percent in 2018 and continue to grow by double digits through 2021. In fact, the percent of ad budgets spent on digital versus traditional campaigns is higher than in any other category except retail.

Auto dealers clearly see the value in digital, allowing them to engage with the 22 million Americans going online in the past 12 months to research and shop for vehicles. It’s critical that auto dealers intimately understand these online researchers and have the right digital strategy to engage them.

Dynamic advertising is an incredibly effective way to do just that.

Dynamic advertising in the automotive world refers to personalized ads featuring the make and model, or exact vehicle that a shopper browsed on a dealer website or searched for in a search engine.

When ads are customized to automotive needs and preferences they are more compelling to viewers and more likely to trigger clicks and possibly conversions. For consumers, what would be more attention-grabbing than ads featuring offers from local dealers on the types of vehicle they had just been perusing online?

Dynamic Ads for Auto Dealers is included in the AffinityX AudienceX programmatic solution, making it possible for local media companies and agencies to help auto advertisers reach potential customers with personalized ads created by using live inventory data and custom templates for each advertiser. This means not only matching the creative to the audience, but also adjusting the content based on their behaviors, such as keywords searched and context.

It is the industry’s only upper-funnel dynamic creative programmatic tool that delivers dynamic ads to buyers even before they visit a seller’s website. This turnkey solution also requires no integration to an advertiser’s inventory management system, making it more efficient for auto dealers who want a powerful programmatic solution that is simple, quick to set up and delivers rapid ROI.

With AffinityX’s Dynamic Ads for Auto Dealers, you can rev up your digital auto campaigns and ensure your advertisers are capturing a highly relevant and already engaged audience.

Ask us about it today!