The late great Stephen Hawking once said “We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.”
And now, we can all connect with endless reams of streaming content through Connected TV (CTV). Connected TV helps advertisers looking to reach viewers — including both cord-cutters and cord nevers — who make up the 64 percent of U.S. households that own CTV devices today (Edison Research, Nielsen, Triton Digital and Statista, 2018). Incredibly, it’s predicted that there will be a whopping 194.4 million CTV users by 2021 (Martech 2018).
Connected TV, of course, refers to any TV that can be connected to the internet and access streaming content beyond what is available from a cable or satellite company. It’s also known as OTT (over-the-top) television because it circumvents traditional providers. Connected TV devices include Apple TV, Roku, Google Chromecast, smart TVs and video game consoles, which give consumers access to services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime, for example.
The Benefits of Connected TV to Advertisers
Consumers have come to expect customized ad experience online and CTV is no different. The good news is that the ads on CTV are dynamic, customizable, programmatic and targetable by audience. Advertisers can now get the impact of TV with the precision of digital.
Prices are also relatively reasonable compared to traditional television and advertisers can get sophisticated reporting. For the first time, television can be a measurable, manageable part of a brand’s digital strategy.
And, according to a study by Adweek, not only is the median viewer 23 years younger than linear television viewers, but Connected TV households make an average of $10,000 more per year than non-CTV homes. The same study also found that OTT viewers showed higher levels of brand awareness and favorability when compared to desktop and mobile viewers. That’s great news for local marketers and the companies that sell to them!
AffinityX and Connected TV
With the introduction of Connected TV capabilities to its comprehensive suite of advertising products, AffinityX clients can now offer their customers the ability to be on any screen — all in one campaign. CTV can now be wrapped up in one proposal to prospects, along with social, search, SEO, PPC, native and display — all through one partner. That’s a powerful combination that no other competitor offers today.
If you’re interested in extending the reach of the digital campaigns you are already selling, talk to AffinityX today about Connected TV.